Monday, February 4, 2008

The Selfish Pig's Guide to Caring

Hugh Marriott's wife, Cathie, had Huntington's Disease. It is a debilitating, degenerative, relentless disease that ends in death. When she started having symptoms, the couple sold their house, bought a sailboat and journryed for for nine years, visiting 40 countries, until Cathie could no longer get around on the boat, or in and out of dingies, safely. When they moved ashore, Hugh set about caregiving and writing. This book is the advice he would like to have had "while he was struggling to learn new skills and find his way in an unfamilier role."

It is not a how-to book. There is plenty of how-to advice around (and I will be putting some of it right here in this very blog). The author knows, of course, that caregivers are not really selfish pigs, but what he also knows is that many caregivers (most?) did not choose the caregiver life, did not expect it, are not thrilled about it, and they feel gulity for their reactions. In this book, caregivers learn that they are not alone in their reactions, and the emotional roller coasters they ride in are crowded with other caregivers. In other words, they are not alone.

This book addresses things like, burnout, sex, reactions of friends (and your reactions to them), thoughts of murder, and dealing with seemingly heartless officials. It is written by one who really understands, and believe it or not, it is written with humor. It is a good read. Can you tell I really like this book?

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