Wednesday, February 6, 2008

When you wake up one day and realize an elderly loved one needs your help, it will be crucial for you to identify community resources. You might THINK you can handle everything yourself, but think again. Here you are, trying to accept the reality that this strong, parent figure who has always been there for you now needs your help. This can be difficult to do for several reasons. For one thing, the neediness of your own parent emphasizes your own aging and mortality. Another thing is, your relationship with this parent figure who has always been there for you, and always been a source of wisdom, is now changing.

As caregivers, we must evaluate owr own needs. We must know our limits, and our strengths. We must know the limits and strengths of the person we are caring for. Then, we must be aware of help that is available.

There are programs that provide assistance, there are devices that can help in the home, and there are things to read that can help. Keep your eyes and ears open. Look in the yellow pages. Find out what is available BEFORE you need it.

Maybe you will need meals on wheels. Maybe you will need a caregiver that goes to your parent's home, part time or full time.

Look for others who are in the same situation you are in, and get ideas from them. It is amazing what a little brain storming can do.

I am here.
Sue Ellen

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