Monday, February 4, 2008


Welcome to the place for caregivers. Not a caregiver? Think again. Maybe you don't know you are a caregiver. Caregiving occurs at different levels. For example, maybe you care for someone in your home. That is a close and intense level of caregiving.

On the other hand, you might have an elderly parent living on the other side of the country about whom you worry on a regular basis. That too is caregiving.

Many people live in the same town as an elderly parent or other friend or loved one. These caregivers can find themselves making regular trips to that person's home to make shure they haven't left the stove on, or fallen, or maybe go there to make meals and take care of the laundry and housekeeping. If you are doing that, you are a caregiver.

As you can see, there is a wide range of possibilities when it comes to caregiving. If you haven't thought of yourself as a caregiver, but see yourself in one of the above descriptions, you might want to look into suggestions that can help you be a caregiver along with the rest of your life.

Welcome to Simply Caring. My intention is to be a resource for those who care, whether it is for an elderly person or a young one, near or far. There are resources for you.

I am here
Sue Ellen

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